When you purchase a car, either the dealer or your mechanic will put you on a regular maintenance program. There are a lot of moving parts in that vehicle, and it’s used regularly, so there are a lot of ways for something to go wrong. Another consideration to keep in mind is that regular maintenance helps them catch small issues before they escalate into more costly repairs or replacement projects.
The websites and online stores you develop should be no different. They are complex, high-functioning productions with lots of moving parts that are used regularly. While this may seem obvious to you as the store builder, too many store owners think everything is done when you’ve delivered the store. It’s your job to tell them that when you’ve finished the store, you’ve only just begun.
On this episode you’ll hear:
If you’re looking for a better way to stay connected with your store owners after you are finished building their online stores, then this is one episode you won’t want to miss.
Description If you have ever designed a dynamic website, you know that its dynamic properties allow you to create a truly unique online experience....
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Description Most Store Builders are open to taking on just about any project that comes across their desk, but the most successful Store Builders...