Who is Bolt? What do they do? A company that began offering easy checkout and fraud protection to eCommerce sites just raised $50 million in their Series C fundraising campaign. Armed with a compelling set of features and easy compatibility with different eCommerce platforms, Bolt looks like it’s here to stay.
In the next few months and years, you can expect to see more people jump on the Bolt bandwagon. So today we’re discussing who they are, what they do, and what you can expect from them in the years to come.
On this episode you’ll hear:
If you’re interested in exploring if Bolt is a good fit for you and your work, then don’t miss this episode of the Store Builders Podcast!
Description One of the many ways Amazon has changed the online retail market is by making free shipping an expectation for most consumers. Free...
Description Starting an eCommerce site has never been easier, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore the usual requirements of running an online business....
Description Every online store builder should consider working with Product Information Management systems (PIMs) and Data Asset Management systems (DAMs). These precious assets, which...